About Nexlink / Green.ch
The hosting business is not as easy as it could seem, I agree on that one, but I had a really hard time with Nexlink (which get bought by Green.ch). I was a customer for quite some time and I was very happy about the service but then at some point it get really bad, with an expensive-not-effective hotline (I hate waiting on the phone while I am charged CHF2.-/min – like anyone else). The quality of service pretty much changed when they get bought, not sure if there is a relation there – but I ended up giving up and moved all my stuff to Infomaniak with absolutely not problem so far.
Why I am writing this? well I received quite a few comments the last two weeks on an old blog (one I used while I was working for a blog provider :-). Probably people comming from Google and complaining as I was on Nexlink. Looks like I made the right move at the right time.
Not only the technical and the service suck but apparently their administration is lost as well as I keep on getting bills and reminders for a service I quit few months back :-(